13 responses »

  1. Cyntthia I just love, love, love this! I cant stop reading it. And the last three lines left me quite breathless. Wonderful! Have you any poems in a book? Or have I asked you this before; my question suddenly sounds familiar to me!!! 😊

    • I’m happy to hear you love this, Journey. You, in particular, probably have a deep sense of what it is about………..No, I don’t have a book. For now, this blog is my only publishing. Thank you for being a very special reader of it!

  2. Journeyintopoetry hit this one on the head.
    “I do not do haiku” is a lovely beginning and has a delightful ring to it. The prosaic “I went fishing” is a great sequitur. You are master poetess!

  3. You went fishing, but you “took no bait”. That line really sticks out for me: it should be nonsense, it lengthens the stanza, and above all it grabs the whole poem and takes it somewhere else. I feel like saying Hey, Look No Bait!

    • Spot on, John! That’s my own favorite line (excuse pun) of the poem. “Took”, of course, can mean “received” or “brought”, and the fun for me was that I realized the non-nonsense of it only after I had already written it. Hurrah, and thanks!

  4. I pause here to reflect upon the three comments I have so far received on this poem…….one that particularly likes the last lines, one that particularly enjoys the first line, and one fascinated by the middle……who could ask for a better response?

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